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Cornell University Ergonomics Web

Ergonomic Intervention & Follow-up Study
of the
City of Ithaca
Department of Planning and Development


Introduction Workstations Results Discussion

Workstation 7

Workstation design Changes:
Installed new keyboard tray
Moved monitor closer to chair

Discomfort eliminated in:
Right forearm
Right wrist

RULA Score
Before changes: 4
After changes: 2
1 or 2: Acceptable
3 or 4: Investigate further
4 or 5: Investigate further & change soon
7: Investigate & change immediately

Upper body is supported by the chair
Neck is in a neutral position
Wrists are in a neutral position
Feet are touching the floor
Upper arms are in a neutral position

Comment According to the follow-up survey, the discomfort that he had before the changes has been eliminated. The keyboard tray was a major contribution to his improved work posture that led him to feel comfortable. The phone position does still pose a problem. Since the current telephone cords hinder getting in and out of drawers, the phone is placed too far away from the subject to be at a comfortable reach distance. Our recommendation is to use an extended cord that goes around the back of the desk, thus moving the phone closer.

For Comfort Scales (mouse, chair, keyboard, phone, screen)
5: Very Uncomfortable
4: Uncomfortable
3: Slightly Uncomfortable
2: Comfortable
1: Very Comfortable
*For RULA:
1 or 2: Acceptable
3 or 4: Investigate further
4 or 5: Investigate further & change soon
7: Investigate & change immediately



Next: Workstation 9