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Cornell University Ergonomics Web


Ergonomic Intervention & Follow-up Study
of the
City of Ithaca
Department of Planning and Development

Introduction Workstations Results Discussion


Comfort Scales and RULA Scores, before & after intervention

  For Comfort Scales (mouse, chair, keyboard, phone, screen)
5: Very Uncomfortable
4: Uncomfortable
3: Slightly Uncomfortable
2: Comfortable
1: Very Comfortable

*For RULA:
1 or 2: Acceptable
3 or 4: Investigate further
4 or 5: Investigate further & change soon
7: Investigate & change immediately

This table summarizes the data collected in this study. The comfort ratings and RULA scores were analyzed using a Wilcox Signed-Ranks test performed with a statistical software package (MINITAB).

The results show significant decreases in discomfort ratings for mouse use (T= 2.99, p = .024), chair use (T= 4.95, p= .0043), keyboard use (T= 5.41, p= .0017), and monitor viewing (T= 5.66, p= .0013). No significant difference was found for phone use.

An analysis of the RULA data showed that employees' RULA scores after the intervention were significantly lower than before the intervention (T= 5.47, p= 0.0016).

One of the seven employees who received the new keyboard tray did not use it within the month time frame that was evaluated. Therefore, this employee was considered a control in the study, and his results are not included in the above graph of overall scores (his results are included in the individual workstation information).

Next: Discussion