Cornell University Ergonomics Web


ErgoWorld is a first-generation, interactive, virtual world dedicated to the dissemination of some basic ergonomic principles in a game-like browser environment.

ErgoWorld was created by graduate students Janna Burrows, Erin Lawler, Hrönn Brynjarsdóttir, and Mariah Levitt as part of the DEA6700 Applied Ergonomics course instructed by Professor Alan Hedge. The goal of the ErgoWorld project was to present common ergonomic principles in a fun, engaging and logical manner. The level of information in the world is aimed at middle-school children.

Four areas of ergonomic — home, school, cars, and general — were identified as interesting and relevant topics for young visitors. As such, ErgoWorld provides a house, school, and garage in which visitors can enter and discover a variety of interesting information on topics associated with that building. For instance, visitors can learn about remote controls, alarm clocks and stovetop design when visiting the home; proper backpack design and computer use while at the school; and proper seatbelt usage and driving posture at the ErgoWorld garage.

Throughout the 3D world, visitors can assume different imaginative avatar personas, virtually communicate with other avatar personas inhabiting the world, and teleport to and from areas within the world.

[You can visit ErgoWorld firsthand by downloading the 3D browser download the browser from , then install it, log in as a tourist (you'll need to make up a name and enter an email address), and go to the world called "SciFair". You can find instructions on how to navigate the world by clicking the 'help' tab in the 'Tab Controls' box, and then choosing the 'Interface' and then 'Moving around'. - THIS SERVICE MAY BE TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE WHILE CORNELL RECONFIGURES ITS SERVERS]

We hope that you have fun in exploring this world. Please send any comments to

You can also download the ErgoWorld Project Summary as a .pdf file.


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