Canes Analysis and Recommendations for Improvement
Melanie Diez
In a country where life expectancy has increased dramatically since Colonial
America (1) and the birth rate has seen a steady decline, perhaps
it is not surprising that almost 13% of the population is age 65 or older.
That number is predicted to reach 22% by 2030 (about 66 million people)
(Howell 1997). With America getting older, we are faced with new social
implications that force us to re-evaluate our current attitudes toward the
more mature subgroups of our population.
One way to improve the quality of life for our elders is to examine how
manufacturers design products for them. All too often products are presented
to consumers without basic research into the design of the product. During
the few cases where studies are performed to introduce "new ergonomic
designs," the anthropometric data used is invalid for the following
i) the sample size is too small, or not representative
of the aged population, which tends to be more dominated by females as age
ii) the age brackets for older people encompass
a larger population, oftentimes ranging over several decades, as opposed
for younger populations which tend to be grouped in 5-, or 10-year intervals
iii) older people show greater variation in the amount of physical change their bodies experience over time due to nutrition, illness, level of activity, etc. (adapted from Kroemer 1997).
Another factor to consider is that products designed for disabled people
are not necessarily well-designed for elderly people (Fernie 1997). For
instance, a disabled person who has spent much of their life adapting to
their unique circumstances will have a much better chance at operating a
cane or other walking device as they grow older. Contrast this with an aging
individual who is experiencing minor arthritis, slower memory recall, diminished
balance, strength, and hearing and who is told, at the age of 65, that they
must now incorporate an ugly metal walking aid into their lifestyle.
In a survey done on Americans using assistive devices to accommodate physical
impairment, the largest category of users (approximately 5 million) was
canes and crutches (LaPlante et al., 1992). The reasons for using a cane
are as varied as there are types of canes. One of the most common reasons
is to provide additional support to those who have compromised strength
or balance in their lower limbs. Some conditions that may cause this are
strokes, surgeries, and arthritis. In fact, the American Association of
Retired Persons states in its 1992 AARP Product Report that, "The predominant
medical condition among cane users is arthritis" and that, "almost
75 percent of users in one survey said they use a cane because of this condition."
They later go on to mention that "with a third point of contact as
much as 25 percent of your body's weight can be shifted away from lower
Keeping these facts in mind, it is disturbing to find out that an informal
survey of the canes in today's market shows they lack the most basic principles
of ergonomic design. Little research could be found supporting the designs
behind the canes; indeed, most canes launch a practical assault on the hand
and wrist.
While there are several aspects to the design of a cane (handle, shaft,
base, tip), this study will concentrate on the handle designs. First, I
will present a brief overview of the commonly accepted ergonomic design
principles involved in handle design, followed by several examples of common
cane handles.
Fraser (1980) states that the handle of a tool should conform to the natural
holding position (neutral position) of the hand. In short, this means that
the handle should maintain a straight wrist with minimal flexion, extension,
or deviation. This can be done by incorporating an angle of 19 E" 5
E into the handle, as suggested by Emmanuel, Mills, and Bennett (1980).
By reducing the angle through which the wrist itself must bend, injuries
such as carpal tunnel syndrome can be minimized. Furthermore, grip strength
has been shown to be maximized when the wrist is in neutral position (Terrell
& Purswell, 1976).
The shape of a handle should be generally cylindrical, or shaped like a
truncated cone to accommodate the different degrees of flexion exhibited
by each finger. Pressure from the device must not be concentrated in a small
area, or along pressure-sensitive areas of the palm and fingers. Sanders
and McCormick (1993) suggest a large contact surface to reduce tissue and/or
nerve compression. Repetitive finger action as well as vibration exposure
should also be minimized.
Appendix 1 presents
several examples of cane handles I encountered in medical supply catalogs
(adapted from AARP Product Report 1992). Most, if not all of these designs
violate several of the general guidelines listed above. The crooked cane,
for instance, forces the fingers into unnatural flexion patterns with the
little finger and index finger extended out further than the middle and
fourth finger. The ball-topped cane concentrates the majority of the force
directly into the palm, and forces the wrist into severe dorsiflexion when
weight is applied. The T-shaped handle, the straight handle, and the shovel
handle all focus the force along the crease of the hand and neglect the
meatier, more-padded regions of the palm.
Appendix 2 shows
an excerpt from a medical supplier. Once again, most of the handles follow
a simple, horizontal bar-shaped design. Pictures of "patients"
using the canes show the wrist undergoing dorsiflexion as the weight of
the body flattens the hand against the handle.
In an effort to better understand the problems associated with cane usage,
I spent a day walking around campus with a Lumex offset-style aluminum cane
which I rented from the Finger Lakes Independence Center, an extension of
the American Red Cross. The handle resembles the "straight" handle,
except that it rests directly overhead the shaft. I experimented with different
heights and observed the physical sensations caused by constant use.
I noticed several problems within the first five minutes. My triceps were
quickly fatigued as they worked to hold my weight up. As a result, my scapula
elevated to relieve the triceps, putting strain on my rotator cuff. This
"shrugging" effect could be somewhat offset by lowering the height
of the handle below my waist, which served to extend the arm and reduce
the amount of elevation in the shoulder.
The handle of the cane was designed in such a way that the grip increased
in broadness from the neck of the handle to the end, providing a wider,
flatter surface where the palm would rest. Unfortunately, the result was
not a more comfortable feel, but rather a terrible dorsiflexion combined
with ulnar deviation in the wrist and a bruised hamate bone where the weight
was concentrated. I felt tweaks of pain all day long in my wrist and shoulder
which continued into the night, long after I had ended my experiment.
Aside from design problems, there were several functional problems as well.
For instance, each step was accompanied by a jarring vibration which was
transferred up the entire length of the arm every time the rubber cane tip
struck the concrete. The swing of the cane often had to be initiated by
a flick of the wrist, resulting in a constant repetitive oscillation between
ulnar and radial deviations. Furthermore, adjusting the cane to the correct
height was difficult due to a simultaneous push of a button and pull of
the shaft requiring relatively dexterous fingers; arthritic hands would
be pitifully ineffective.
While my experience is not meant to be taken as stereotypic of all cane-users,
(and one could certainly argue that my problems would be reduced as soon
as my muscles became attuned to their new actions), it should serve as a
general description of the possible issues cane-users must face. I am young
and physically fit; any problems I experienced using a cane would probably
be augmented in a disabled or elderly individual.
It should be pointed out that many cane-users are older patients who have
suffered strokes and other nervous disorders requiring extra stability.
Often these patients are in a weakened state with pain in their joints, or an inability to grasp (2 ). Furthermore, many elderly people experience a forward shift of their center of mass. A cane that requires too much strength from weak fingers could give a false sense of security and cause more falls than it prevents. Any assistive device that may increase a person's risk for a second injury due to poor design should be examined. The AARP stated that as much as 25% of a person's body weight could be shifted to the cane; imagine the dangerous effects this extra burden must place on a weakened person's wrist.
In an effort to approximate the changes in pressure within the wrist during
cane-walking, I conducted an informal survey of 10 subjects. I presented
them with the Lumex cane which I had used during my experiment and asked
them to take a few moments to become familiar with it by walking around
with it. I adjusted the height for them so that the handle came to their
wrist when they stood erect and their arms were relaxed.
I then asked them to hold the cane in the position they felt most comfortable
with while they were walking with it. Using a goniometer, I measured the
angle their hand made with their wrist and calculated the intercarpal tunnel
pressure (mmHg) according to a polynomial equation provided by Dr. Alan
Appendix 3 shows the parabolic curve described by this equation (3 ). The average angle found in my ten subjects was approximately 58 E which corresponds to a pressure of approximately 110 mmHg. Compare this to the neutral position which experiences a pressure of about 26 mmHg. Given that nerve compression starts around 30 mmHg, this particular cane puts the user at an extremely compromising angle.
What do the manufacturers have to say regarding their products? It was extremely
hard to get in touch with anybody who could answer questions about the design
of canes. A survey of several catalogs and physical therapy units revealed
that the prominent suppliers of canes were Lumex, Tem-Co, Invacare, Guardian,
PCP, and API. Of these six, Lumex and Invacare faxed some general information
to me (including the AARP report). API told me they had one engineer on
the premises, and he was too busy to speak to me. In fact, most of the companies
referred me to their engineers or "technical specialists." None
of them could connect me with an ergonomist.
A representative from PCP offered to spare me a few minutes, but whined
that he was "trying to run a business here and couldn't take a lot
of time answering surveys all day long." After putting me on hold twice
to take other calls, he finally admitted to me that their cane designs had
been used for 30 years and there wasn't much need for re-design since "a
cane is a cane". He did add that the grips had been changed occasionally,
but when I asked him what circumstances elicited the change and what research
was done to improve the design, he had no idea and in fact seemed annoyed
that I had asked. Representatives from Guardian and Tem-Co were unavailable
for comment and/or never returned my messages.
Does this mean that there is absolutely no scientific foundation for the
cane handles we see today other than the whimsy of one or two engineers
or the fact that they have always been designed that way? What about the
new and improved designs that brand themselves as "ergonomically-designed"?
In fact, one brand which advertised its ergonomic-grip handle boasted about
its indentations for the fingers- an expressly undesirable characteristic
in ergonomics which limits the range of users to only a handful (no pun
It appears that there is a general lack of research behind the designs of
canes on the market today. Indeed, many of the designs have not been changed
for several decades. What can be done to identify the areas where improvement
is most needed?
One option is to improve the available data on older populations by conducting
better surveys of aging people. This includes using smaller age ranges (i.e.,
65-70, 70-75,etc. instead of 65+), and taking into account disabilities
which may come with age. New designs for canes should then be based on the
anthropometric results of intended users.
Another option is to go to the laboratory and design the canes based on
the movements involved in cane walking. Fernie (1997) describes the advantages
of motion analysis systems which use markers attached to the subject to
record the different motions the joints and limbs experience. Such analyses
are a vital addition to anthropometric data as they reveal the otherwise
unknown biomechanics of the motion.
Of course, the most important key to developing better canes and other assistive
devices is to incorporate consumer input. It is vital to remember that elderly
individuals have special needs that may push them into the 5%ile that is
sacrificed in order to accommodate the rest of the population. The common
problem of avoiding or delaying the use of an assistive device should not
be augmented by a an ugly and embarrassing, or uncomfortable design.
From my experience alone, I would suggest experimenting with ways to reduce
the amount of fatigue in the triceps as well as the resultant elevation
in the scapula. One way to do this is to lower the height of the cane so
as to straighten the arm. This reduces the angle in the arm and thus the
amount of force the triceps must exert to hold the body up. Cramping in
the hand is also a problem, since the finger muscles are small and not well-designed
for extended periods of flexion. Vibration dampers might be worth checking
into. The repetitive striking of the pavement became annoying as well as
painful after a day of use. The handle should also be designed so that the
maximum force is applied to the meaty part of the hand, not the bony part.
In conclusion, I found that the canes available today show little attempt
to be designed according to basic ergonomic principles. In addition, the
designs available today are the same designs used decades ago, with a few
alterations in the handle. While some of these "new and improved"
grips are advertised as "ergonomically-designed", many of them
actually go against basic design principles. Furthermore, there is absolutely
no consideration for the fact that elderly consumers differ in their needs
from the disabled and other populations. This is a direct result of the
lack of anthropometric data on the elderly.
Finally, I would recommend the following steps to improve the current situation.
First, expand the anthropometric data by conducting new studies that are
sensitive to the changes that occur to the body after age 65. Second, couple
these statistics with laboratory studies of motion analysis that shows the
movements of the limbs during cane-walking. Third, incorporate consumer
input into the redesign of a new handle. Obviously these three recommendations
will not necessarily guarantee a perfect cane, however they will open up
the avenues of communication between manufacturer and user, thus hopefully
precipitating change a little more often than once every 30 years.
American Association of Retired Persons. 1992. Product Report Vol. 2, No. 3. Washington, DC: AARP.
Committee on an Aging Society (Ed.) 1987. The social and built environment on an older society. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Fernie, G. 1997. Assistive Devices. In A.D. Fisk & W. A. Rogers, eds.
Handbook of Human Factors and the Older Adult. San Diego: Academic
Fisk, A.D., and Rogers W.A., eds. 1997. Handbook of Human Factors and the Older Adult. San Diego: Academic Press.
Fraser, T.M. 1980. Ergonomic Principles in the Design of Hand Tools. Occupational Safety and Health Series No. 44. Geneva: International Labor Office.
Howell, W.C. 1997. Foreword, Perspectives, and Prospectives.
Kermis, M.D. 1984. Psychology of human aging. Boston,
MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Kroemer, K.H.E. 1997. Anthropometry and Biomechanics.
In A.D. Fisk & W. A. Rogers, eds. Handbook of Human Factors and the
Older Adult. San Diego: Academic Press.
LaPlante, M.P., Hendershot, G.E., & Moss, A.J.
1992. Assistive technology devices and home accessibility features: Prevalence,
payment, needs, and trends. Advance Data: Centres for Disease Control,
217, 1-11.
Sanders, M.S., and McCormick, E.J. 1993. Human
Factors in Engineering and Design, 7th Ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Terrell, R., and Purswell, J. 1976. The influence
of forearm and wrist orientation on static grip strength as a design criterion
for hand tools. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 20th Annual
Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society, pp. 28-32.
DEA 325 Homework 3 Melanie Diez
1 The average
life span has seen quite an increase over time. Ancient Greeks couldn't
expect to live much past 25, Western Europeans during the Middle Ages might
live into their thirties, and the 19th Century saw people surviving into
their 40s. By the 1900s, the average life span reached about 50 years and
in 1990, it had increased to 75 (Committee on an Aging Society, 1988; Kermis
2 Personal communication
with Cortland Memorial Hospital, Physical Therapy Department.
3 Personal communication
with Prof. Hedge: f(x)=.019x2 + .345x +26.339