The Effect of Computer Workstation Design on Student Posture and Computer Task Performance: Children Grades Six and Eight

Kathryn Laeser

Lorraine Maxwell

Kathleen Gibson


Alan Hedge
Cornell Univ., Dept. DEA


  1. The Effect of Computer Workstation Design on Student Posture and Computer Task Performance: Children Grades Six and Eight

  2. Background

  3. Technology Integration

  4. The Literature

  5. The Literature

  6. Research Question

  7. The Present Study

  8. Methodology

  9. Experimental Measures

  10. Statistical Analysis

  11. Interpretation of RULA Scores

  12. Posture

  13. Posture

  14. Performance

  15. Performance

  16. Engaged Behavior

  17. Student Preferences

  18. Student Preferences

  19. Posture as a Mediator

  20. Limitations of the Study

  21. Future Research

  22. Conclusion

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