Lab Cornell University Ergonomics Web |
The Cornell Human Factors and Ergonomics Research Laboratory is located in Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, the NYS College of Human Ecology, Cornell University. CUErgoLab is designed as a flexible facility for research work on usability, human performance, comfort, stress, health, environmental simulation and user preferences for all aspects of modern work environments. |
CUErgoLab is well equipped with state-of-the-art eye tracking, electrophysiological measurement, automatic postural assessment, electrogoniometry, video-motion analysis, and environmental assessment equipment (heat, infrared photography, light, sound, electromagnetic), and performance and productivity assessment software. Researchers also work collaboratively with the supercomputer Visualization Group at the Cornell Theory Center on data visualization. |
Research studies conducted to date include the following topics: Ergonomic Product Design Evaluation Research
Ergonomic Interface Design Evaluation Research
The laboratory was created through a grant from New York State, and some equipment in the laboratory has been acquired by a grant from NSF and support from the New York State College of Human Ecology.
We gratefully acknowledge support from the following organizations:
Laboratory Visits