ecotecture.GIF (12664 bytes) "Ecotecture design is grounded on natural dynamics, healthy materials, biological principles, human ergonomics, cultural respect and compassionate understanding for the planet and all living creatures"
(Jorg-Dietram Ostrowski, 1998, Environmental Design & Construction, September/October, pp.20-30)
Department of   Design and Environmental Analysis,
Cornell University
  1. External Considerations

  2. Core & Envelope

  3. Indoor Ecology

  4. Material/Product Content

  5. Ecotecture Worksheets

  6. Additional  information.

  7. Case Studies

Use the table of contents to go directly to specific topics:

This website is a consolidated information source for designers, architects, and other individuals interested in the design of ecologically responsible facilities. On this site you will find the information organized by design phases for a facility into 4 main topic areas: External Considerations, Core and Envelope, Indoor Ecology, and Materials and Products. Within each topic area there are a number of subcomponent considerations that include research information, tools for application, case studies of facilities that have applied these considerations, and further guidance where you can investigate these considerations in greater detail.

The content and illustrations of this site were developed by two graduate students in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell University, Jennifer Platten Killeen and Rachael Fonda, under the direction of Professor Alan Hedge. We also acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Glenn Sweitzer and Andrea Libovich, Department of Architecture, Cornell University. Hillary Bobrow and Professor Alan Hedge are responsible for the design of the website.

The information contained in this site provided as a source of guidance on ecologically sensitive design. This information can be copied with the permission of the Professor Alan Hedge . The information should not be used for commercial purposes.

We invite you to provide us with additional information, case studies and feedback to be added to the site.





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© Cornell University, December, 1998