Initital Interview:

1. Please mark the appropriate age range you fall in:

Under 16 yrs. ____ 18-24 yrs. ____ 25-35 yrs.____ 36-45 yrs. ____ 46-60 yrs. ____ Over 60 yrs. ____


2. Do you read English fluently?

Yes ____ No ____


3. Do you have computer experience/ do you feel comfortable working with computers?

Yes ____ No ____


4. Have you been to the Johnson Art Museum before?

No ____ Yes ____


5. How much time do you plan to spend in the museum?

30 min. or less ____ 30-59 min. ____ 1 hr.-2 hr. ____ More than 2 hrs. ____


6. Are you ....

A Cornell student/ of the Cornell community (student, faculty, staff, spouse, etc.) ____ An Ithaca resident ____ An out-of-town visitor ____


7. Why are you visiting the Johnson museum today? _____________________________


8. Please mark the answers which apply:


9. Which would you prefer to use with this computer program?

A mouse ____ A keyboard ____ A touchscreen ____


10. This computer program has sparked my interest in the museum.

Yes ____ No ____


11. This program has encouraged me to explore more of the building than I had intended.

Yes ____ No ____ I don’t know ____

Thank you for your time.