DEA 3510 Practice Prelim. 2 - Sample Answers

Q1. a. cervical b. thoracic c. lumbar d. sacral
Q2. a. lordosis b.kyphosis
Q3. c
Q4. a. power b. precision c.oblique d.hook
Q5. c
Q6. d
Q7. b
Q8. a. compact b.long
Q9. a. Tingling and numbness in fingers - often persists after vibration has stopped. b. One fingertip temporarily turns white, finger pain.
Q10. c
Q11. a
Q12. c
Q13. c
Q14. a. isometric b. isotonic
Q15. c
Q16. a. fascia b. ligament c. tendon d. cartilage
Q17. d
Q18. a. handle diameter b. handle length c. handle shape
Q19. c
Q20. a. agonists b. antagonists
Q21. d
Q22. a. repetition b. posture
Q23. a
Q24. a extension b. neutral c. flexion d. radial deviation e. neutral f. ulnar deviation
Q25. d
Q26. d
Q27. a. reduce frequency of activity b. reduce weight of load