DEA 3500: Practice Prelim. 2


1. Name the photoreceptors responsible for the following types of vision. (10 points)
a: Receptors for light adapted vision _______________________________
b: Receptors for dark adapted vision _______________________________

2. What do we call the 3 retinal spectral sensitivity curves for day, twilight, and night vision? (15 points)
a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________

3. When red and blue light simultaneously shine on the same white object what color will that object appear? (5 points)
a. brown 
b. yellow
c. magenta 
d. orange

4. When we have to refocus our eyes what do we call this process? (5 points)
a. visual accommodation 
b. visual acuity
c. visual adaptation 
d. pupillary dilation

5. Match each of the following variables to their corresponding SI photometric quantities: lumens, candelas, lux, candelas per meter2. (20 points)
a. illuminance ____________
b. luminous intensity ____________
c. luminance ____________
d. luminous flux ____________

6. When cyan and yellow pigments are printed onto the same area of a white sheet of paper what color will the paper appear? (5 points)
a. red 
b. yellow
c. blue 
d. green

7. What is the range of wavelengths visible to the eye? (5 points)
a. 300-950 nm 
b. 380-950 nm
c. 300-700 nm 
d. 380-760 nm

8. In addition to VALUE, what two physical attributes of objects determine our perception of color according to the Munsell system? (10 points)
a.____________________ b._____________________

9. What does a polar graph (curve) show us about a light fixture? (5 points)
a. the total light output from a lamp
b. luminous intensity at given angles from the fixture
c. the illuminance level on the workplane
d. the amount of light absorbed by the fixture

10. Which light source has the lowest correlated color temperature? (5 points)
a. warm-white fluorescent 
b. tungsten incandescent
c. cool white fluorescent 
d. white fluorescent

11. What does the amount of a light falling onto the workplane measure? (5 points)
a. luminance 
b. illuminance
c. incandescence 
d. reflectance

12. What region of the eye has the greatest concentration of rods? (5 points)
a. sclera 
b. macula
c. retina 
d. choroid

13. What term do we use to describe the brightness of a light source? (5 points)
a. luminance 
b. illuminance
c. incandescence 
d. emittance

14. Which of the following statements is true? (5 points)
a. a high frequency sound is always perceived as louder than a low frequency sound
b. a low frequency sound is always perceived as louder than a high frequency sound
c. the ear is more sensitive to lower frequency sounds
d. the ear is more sensitive to higher frequency sounds

15. How much must the sound level increase for us to hear it as twice as loud? (5 points)
a. 1 dB 
b. 3 dB
c. 6 dB 
d. 10 dB

16. Which of the following statements is true? (5 points)
a. the loudness of a high frequency voice is not affected by directionality
b. a high frequency voice is half as loud from behind as from in front of a person
c. a high frequency voice is twice as loud from behind as from in front of a person
d. a high frequency voice is one tenth as loud from behind as from in front of a person

17. The subjective loudness of sounds is measured in what units? (5 points)
a. sones 
b. noys
c. phons 
d. sabins

18. What is the frequency response range of speech? (5 points)
a. 500-4,000 Hz 
b. 100-10,000 Hz
c. 20-20,000 Hz 
d. 50-8,000 Hz

19. What do we call the loss of hearing that occurs with normal ageing? (5 points)
a. sociocusis 
b. nosocusis
c. phonocusis 
d. presbycusis

20. What measure is used for the relative degree of speech intelligibility? (5 points)
a. noise reduction coefficient 
b. sound transmission class
c. absorption coefficient 
d. articulation index

21. In which part of the human ear are the receptors for the frequencies of sounds? (5 points)
a. auditory canal 
b. tympanic membrane
c. cochlea 
d. malleus bone

22. The total surface absorption of a room is measured in what units? (5 points)
a. noys 
b. sabins
c. STC class 
d. decibels

23.What type of hearing loss characterizes nerve deafness? (5 points)
a. average hearing loss across low frequencies
b. average hearing loss across various frequencies
c. uneven hearing loss across low frequencies
d. uneven hearing loss across various frequencies

24. How long after noise exposure do we usually measure the temporary threshold shift?
(5 points)
a. immediately 
b. one minute
c. two minutes 
d. five minutes

25. What do we measure to calculate the persistence of sound in a space? (5 points)
a. reverberation time 
b. resonance time
c. rise time 
d. reflection time

26. Which design of panel would work best to absorb sound? (5 points)
a. panel made of hard material
b. panel made of soft, porous material
c. panel made of hard material surrounding soft, porous material
d. panel made of soft, porous material surrounding hard material

27. What is the OSHA permissible noise dose? (5 points)
a. TWA of 90 dBA 
b. TWA of 85dBA
c. TWA of 55 dBA 
d. TWA of 105dBA

28. Name the following two acronyms (10 points)
a. STC _______________________________
b. NRC _______________________________

29. Name 2 physical characteristics of a sound that determine its loudness, and then name two measures of the subjective loudness of a sound ?(20 points)
a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________
d. _______________________________

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