DEA 3500: Practice Preliminary I


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 Practice Exam
1. Say whether each of the following statements about thermal conditions are TRUE or FALSE.
a. enthalpy is the product of sensible + latent heat TRUE FALSE
b. sensible heat is the heat contained in moisture in the air TRUE FALSE
c. latent heat is released when moisture condenses TRUE FALSE
d. the heat from an electric fire is called latent heat TRUE FALSE

2. Say whether each of the following statements about thermal measurements are TRUE or FALSE.
a. a sling psychrometer is used to measure relative humidity TRUE FALSE
b. a mercury-in-glass sling psychrometer measures air temperature TRUE FALSE
c. a globe thermometer measures radiant asymmetry TRUE FALSE
d. an anemometer is used to measure air velocity TRUE FALSE

3. Say whether each of the following statements about thermal conditions are TRUE or FALSE.
a. radiant temperature is always higher than air temperature TRUE FALSE
b. air at saturated vapor pressure is always at the dew point TRUE FALSE
c. heat radiates from a warmer to a colder body TRUE FALSE
d. humidity falls as air velocity increases TRUE FALSE

4.Say whether each of the following statements about the thermal properties of materials and air are TRUE or FALSE.
a. cool air blowing over a hot surface cools that surface TRUE FALSE
b. warming a body increases its rate of heat absorption TRUE FALSE
c. warm air is less dense and rises TRUE FALSE
d. light colored surfaces absorb more heat than dark colored surfaces TRUE FALSE

5. Name two environmental variables and two non-environmental variables affecting human thermal comfort.
a: _____________________________ b: ______________________________
c: _____________________________ d: ______________________________

6. What do Fanger's acronyms PPD and PMV stand for?
PPD: _______________________________
PMV: _______________________________

7. In thermal comfort research what do the following acronyms stand for?
ET: ______________________________
RH: ______________________________
MCE: _____________________________

8. In the heat balance equation what variables do the following letters stand for?
a. W: __________________ b. E: __________________
c. C: __________________ d. L: __________________

9. What units do we use to measure the following variables?
a. clothing insulation: ____________________________
b. metabolic activity: ___________________________
c. relative humidity: ____________________________
d. air velocity: __________________________

10. Convert the following air temperatures?
a. 37.0°C =     °F b. 0°C =      °F
c. -40.0°F =    °C d. 77°F =    °C

11. In Gagge's two-node model of thermoregulation, what are the two nodes called?
a: _______________________________
b: _______________________________
12. In human thermoregulation, what do we call the zone between the upper and lower critical temperatures?
a. the thermoregulatory zone b. the thermal comfort zone
c. the thermomaximal zone d. the thermoneutral zone

13. Briefly define the following thermoregulatory concepts:
a. the upper critical temperature is

b. the lowest critical temperature is
c. the thermoregulatory zone is
d. evaporative heat loss is

14. Which of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE?
a. the DuBois area is the surface area of exposed skin for a clothed body TRUE FALSE
b. the DuBois area of an average adult is 1.8 m^2 TRUE FALSE
c. metabolic heat production is 20% less for standing than for sitting TRUE FALSE
d. shivering increases body heat production by 300%-400% TRUE FALSE

15. Which of the following statements about skin temperature are TRUE or FALSE?
a. skin burning sensations depend on output from the warm fibers TRUE FALSE
b. peak sensitivity for warm fibers is around 40°C TRUE FALSE
c. peak sensitivity for cold fibers is between 30-50°C TRUE FALSE
d. peak sensitivity for cold fibers is around 30°C and 50°C TRUE FALSE

16. Which of the following are TRUE or FALSE?
a. the fingertips are sensitive to the rate of heat conduction TRUE FALSE
b. the elbows have a high density of cold receptors TRUE FALSE
c. the lips have a high density of hot receptors TRUE FALSE
d. because it is exposed, the face is the coolest body region TRUE FALSE
e. the abdomen is the most sensitive body area to cooling TRUE FALSE

17. Briefly define the following terms:
a. natural convection is

b. the 'stack effect' is
c. forced convection is
d. the 'bellows effect' is


18. Which of the following are TRUE or FALSE?
a. normal body temperature is 38.6°C TRUE FALSE
b. skin freezes at 0.6°C TRUE FALSE
c. it is uncomfortably hot when the skin is at 37°C TRUE FALSE
d. frostbite begins when the skin temperature is 0°C TRUE FALSE
e. skin burns when the skin temperature is over 45°C TRUE FALSE
f. core temperature normally must remain between 91°F and 106°F TRUE FALSE

19. Which of the following are TRUE or FALSE?
a. when atmospheric conditions in a building satisfy the ASHRAE
thermal comfort standard there are no thermal discomfort complaints TRUE FALSE
b. the ASHRAE thermal comfort standard is different for
winter and summer TRUE FALSE
c. from Fanger's work, when the PMV is zero the PPD is also zero TRUE FALSE
d. age differences between workers account for most of the variability
in thermal comfort requirements TRUE FALSE

20. Which of the following are TRUE or FALSE?
a. the human body can be trained to sweat more in hot conditions TRUE FALSE
b. warm drinks always make us feel warmer TRUE FALSE
c. thermal conditions can affect work performance TRUE FALSE
d. dehydration slows the onset of heat exhaustion in hot conditions TRUE FALSE
e. in hot conditions profuse sweating and restricted salt intake can cause
heat cramps TRUE FALSE
g. body fat protects people against heat stress in hot conditions TRUE FALSE

21. About how much air does a normal person breath in the course of a 24 hour day?
a. 900 liters b. 9,000 liters
c. 90 liters d. 90,000 liters

22. What is the deposition process for particles which reach the alveoli of the lungs
a. diffusion b. impaction
c. sedimentation d. filtration

23. Which of these statements about Legionnaires Disease is TRUE?
a. it is caused by a bacterium which grows best in cold, dark places
b. it is caused by a bacterium called Legionella pseudonitis
c. it is a disease which mainly affects AIDS patients
d. it is caused by a bacterium which grows best in warm water around 30-35°C

24. Which of the following are TRUE or FALSE?
a. the ASHRAE ventilation standard for non-smoking offices is 20 cfm TRUE FALSE
b. the ASHRAE limit for carbon dioxide (CO2) is 1,000 ppm TRUE FALSE
c. current indoor air quality standards apply to all buildings TRUE FALSE
d. CO2 levels mainly depend on the outdoor air ventilation rate TRUE FALSE
e. outdoor air is always less polluted than indoor air TRUE FALSE
f. ventilation rates are expressed in cubic liters per hour TRUE FALSE

25. Say whether each of the following can be sources of VOCs in buildings:
a. floor adhesives YES NO
b. microorganisms YES NO
c. latex paint YES NO
d. moth crystals YES NO
e. people YES NO
f. computers YES NO
g. ceramic tiles YES NO
h. pine furniture YES NO
i. glass windows YES NO
j. stainless steel utensils YES NO
k. floor polish YES NO
l. air fresheners YES NO

26. Where do the following particle sizes typically become deposited in the respiratory system?
a. particles 5 µm - 30 µm
b. particles 1 µm - 5 µm
c. particles 0.1 µm - 1 µm

27. Which of the following statements about fungi are TRUE or FALSE?
a. at least 45 species of fungi are know to cause human illnesses TRUE FALSE
b. fungal spores have been found at altitudes as high as 45,000 ft TRUE FALSE
c. fungi grow best in warm, dry places TRUE FALSE
d. all fungi are toxic TRUE FALSE
e. only the fungal spores cause health problems TRUE FALSE
f. Cladosporium species can grow down to -6°C TRUE FALSE

28. Which of the following statements about microorganisms in buildings are TRUE or FALSE?
a. building design affects the chances of catching a respiratory virus TRUE FALSE
b. bacteria will thrive in sunny, dry places TRUE FALSE
c. humidifiers can quickly become contaminated with microorganisms TRUE FALSE
d. Legionnaires disease kills at least 20,000 people per year in the USA TRUE FALSE
e. dead bacteria cannot cause health problems TRUE FALSE
f. mesophilic actinomycetes are found in many IAQ problem buildings TRUE FALSE

29. Which of the following statements about dust mites are TRUE or FALSE?
a. most people are allergic to dust mites TRUE FALSE
b. dust mites mostly breed in carpets TRUE FALSE 
c. dust mites thrive in cool, dry places in homes TRUE FALSE
d. inhaling dust mites feces can cause allergy in some people TRUE FALSE
e a typical mattress contains about 1,000,000 dust mites TRUE FALSE
f. dust mites only feed when the humidity is above 85% TRUE FALSE


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