Cornell University Ergonomics Web


This simple calculator helps you to estimate the potential financial benefits of an ergonomics intervention that you are planning to make. The calculation is based on the salary of the employee or average salary of the employees when more than one employee will be affected; the number of employees; the expected productivity increase and the cost per employee of the intervention. For your guidance a 1% productivity increase is a performance change of less than 1 minute per hour. A Washington State study of office ergonomics showed the median productivity increase following an ergonomic intervention was 12%.

To use the calculator: 
  1. Type in the salary  (e.g. type in 30000)
  2. Type in the number of employees (e.g. type in 100)
  3. Type in the expected percent productivity increase (e.g. type in 2)
  4. Type in the cost of the ergonomic intervention per employee (e.g. type in 500)
  5. Click on the Update button
  6. The 1 year ROI will be displayed (e.g. 120%)
  7. The 3 years ROI will be displayed (e.g. 360%)
  8. The payback period will be displayed (e.g. 10 months)
  9. Click on the Reset button to reset the calculator or the Print button to print the page.

The calculator will show you the estimated 1 year and 3 years % return on investment (ROI), and the payback period for the intervention.

Cornell Ergonomics ROI Estimator Values
Enter average annual salary
Enter # employees
Enter expected % productivity increase
Enter cost per employee of the  ergonomics intervention
1 year ROI (%)
3 years ROI (%)
Payback period (months)


You might also be interested in viewing the more extensive Ergonomic Cost-Justification  worksheets on the website.

You might be interested in a more extensive Ergonomics Cost Benefit calculator from the Puget Sound Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Copyright © 2008 [Cornell University, Alan Hedge]. All rights reserved.
Revised:  09/03/2008