Cornell University Ergonomics Web


DEA 6510 Human Factors: Ergonomics, Anthropometrics and Biomechanics

Fall 2017

Instructor: Alan Hedge, 2415 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall,
Phone: 607-255-1957; Mobile: 607-227-1728
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-11:00 am or by appointment

T.A.: Gourab Kar, 4110 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall,
Phone: 832-732-3411

Office Hours: By appointment in DEA  grad office 4110 MVR

Credit: 4 units (1 unit for those who have taken DEA3510 or equivalent)

Class Time: DEA3510 lecture - Tuesdays and Thursdays,  1:25 - 2:40 pm: Room: MVR153

DEA6510 Graduate Section: Mondays 11am -12pm: Room: MVR151

DEA3510: Combination of lecture, practical exercises, software, video, and discussion
DEA6510: Combination of exercises, discussions, and project work (details presented in class)

Grading Scheme: Performance is assessed relative to the course objectives: 75% DEA3510 grade (assessed as specified for DEA 3510); 25% DEA6510 Semester Project.

Required Course Texts:(Note: See DEA3510 syllabus).

Course Description

This course extends the breadth and depth of coverage of DEA3510. Coverage includes discussion of published journal articles on ergonomic design and human factors analysis of ergonomic risks in the workplace.

Course Goals
This course aims to familiarize students with the basic ergonomics information necessary for analyzing and redesigning modern work conditions. Three primary learning objectives are:

  1. To understand the relevance of human information processing, physiological and person-technology models for the ergonomic design of products and systems.

  2. To understand the strengths of people and also the limitations on human physical and mental performance.

  3.  To understand the wide range of information (anatomical, physiological, anthropometric, biomechanical, cognitive) necessary for an ergonomic assessment of products and systems.

Course Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course:

  1. Students will be able to define key concepts and be familiar with terminology in human information processing, physiological and person-technology models for ergonomic design.

  2. Students will be able to conduct and report on an ergonomic analysis of a product or system and undertake a comparative analysis.

  3. Students will be able to apply critical skills and knowledge to improve the ergonomic design of a product or system and undertake a research study and report on this.

Course Format

The course meets for DEA3510 classes and once each week for an additional hour. This time is used for a combination of discussion, practical exercises, and review work. Readings are assigned prior to classes.

Semester Project:

Further guidance is given in class.

Group project report should contaon the following:

Introduction (literature review)
Methods (Participants; Apparatus; Procedure; Data Analysis methods)
Product design issues and suggestions
Appendix (raw data)

Group project deadline is Tuesday December 12 before 5pm.

Fall 2017 syllabus for DEA3510 Human Factors: Ergonomics, Anthropometrics and Biomechanics

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